John has been back to tidy up the garden and orchard, and has sent through a couple of photos. It's gratifying to see that the plants we put in around the base of the stone terrace - and then had to leave to fend for themselves - have thrived in the Indian summer this part of France has enjoyed during September and October. Apparently, it's still T-shirt weather as I type...
OK, before you point it out, yes, that is indeed John's thumb top left. Clearly not his green one. |
Tom has been away on holiday, but on his return sent a photo of the new oak door we've had custom-made for the dépendance. It had to be made sur mesure because, of course, the doorway opening is non-standard. The menuisier's brief was to create a style consistent with that of the front door and bathroom door of the barn, and we are delighted with his interpretation.
A section of the A-frame double glazing can be seen behind the door frame on the left. |
It will be a relief when the A-frame is glazed and the door is hung. The dépendance will then be weather-proof in time for winter, and work can begin on the wooden flooring.